Author: paul.christy

Asbestos Exposure in Michigan Automotive Plants

Asbestos Exposure in Michigan Automotive Plants

If you work in the automotive industry, then you are among workers who have a higher-than-average risk of developing asbestos-related diseases. In Michigan, the heart of the Rust Belt of America, asbestos exposure rates are particularly high. Michigan was historically […]

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Asbestos Exposure and Auto Mechanics

Asbestos Exposure and Auto Mechanics

Auto mechanics, whether hobbyists or full-time professionals face an increased risk of asbestos exposure due to the nature of their work. Asbestos is found in numerous manufactured automobile parts, putting thousands of auto workers—and by extension, their families—at serious risk […]

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Delivery Truck Vs. Auto Accidents

Delivery Truck Vs. Auto Accidents

Between the recent surge of online shopping and the traditional uptick in retail sales that occurs around the holiday season, the fall and winter months see a major increase in delivery truck traffic on American roads and highways. Couple this […]

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Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Updates

Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Updates

Over the past decade, nearly 110,000 women have filed lawsuits against several medical device manufacturers. These lawsuits stem from reports of severe chronic pain, organ damage, infections, bleeding, and emotional pain caused by transvaginal mesh implants. While medical device manufacturers […]

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Understanding Your Prognosis with Mesothelioma

Understanding Your Prognosis with Mesothelioma

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, you likely are facing many complex questions and decisions related to your health. It is natural to be concerned about your prognosis, in particular

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Roundup and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Causes and Symptoms

Roundup and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Causes and Symptoms

Roundup Lawsuits One of the most widely used weed killers in the world, Roundup, has been linked to a substantially increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other cancers. Roundup, as well as many other popular weed killers, contains glyphosate. Glyphosate […]

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Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma The diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma requires the completion of several steps before a treatment plan begins. This article will provide an overview of what to expect during the diagnosis stage, as well as a […]

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Universities Ignoring Student Sexual Abuse by Employees

Universities Ignoring Student Sexual Abuse by Employees

College can be a rewarding, life-changing experience for many people. Young adults often learn how to be adults throughout their time as college students. They figure out how to navigate the world independently, discovering how to live and grow on […]

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