Memorial Day – A Thank You to the Fallen

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Each year, on the last Monday of May, we celebrate Memorial Day. Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a federal holiday for mourning those who died while serving in the U.S. armed forces. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died during their service. Memorial Day is regarded as the unofficial beginning of Summer.

The first Memorial Day was observed in 1868 as Decoration Day. The holiday was meant to honor the soldiers who died during the Civil War. Recognition of the holiday spread among the states but it wasn’t marked as a national holiday until 1971 when Congress standardized the holiday as Memorial Day.

For much of the 20th century, asbestos products were commonly used in the U.S. military for their heat-resistant and insulation properties. Every branch of the armed forces used asbestos in the construction of ships, tanks, trucks, aircrafts, barracks, and other buildings. Veterans were likely exposed to asbestos from military vehicles (ships, tanks, aircrafts, jeeps, and trucks), and through the use of more than 300 various military-supplied materials and products. Asbestos-related diseases take many decades to develop. Our brave veterans who were exposed to asbestos products are at risk of developing lung cancer or mesothelioma.

About one-third of people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma are veterans, with the majority of them having served in the Navy. If you or a loved one are a military veteran who has been diagnosed with an asbestos disease fill out a free case evaluation. Serling & Abramson, P.C. would like to give heartfelt thanks to all of the veterans and active servicemen who have served and continue to defend our country; we wish a Happy Memorial Day to all!